Available Reports

Combustion Reports

  • 12 Month Rolling Emissions Report – Analyze all processes in a folder and any sub-folders that operated during the past 12-month period to provide emission totals with pollutant speciation. 
  • 12 Month Rolling Fuel Usage Report – Analyze all combustion processes that operated during a contiguous 12 month period to provide speciated material charge totals. 
  • Fuel Consumption – Calculate an inventory of all materials that were input to and Emission Master Combustion or Factor Based Emission Model. 

Control Device Reports

  • Control Device Hourly Loading Report – Analyze a production plan and calculate the hourly inlet emission profile at a selected control device in a factory operation. 
  • Control Device Throughput Report – Analyze all production records that have occurred during the reporting period and calculate the total inlet, outlet, and percent removal for each featured Control Device. 
  • Process Control Report – Analyze all point source processes that operated in a given calendar period to report the Uncontrolled Emissions, Controlled Emissions, and % Removal for each compound.


Custom Grouped (ad hoc) Reports

  • Custom Grouped Report – Calculate the Uncontrolled, Controlled, and % Removal for each compound that was emitted from all production in the report folder.
  • Custom Grouped Crosstab Report – Calculate the Uncontrolled, Controlled, and % Removal for each compound that was emitted from all production in the report folder. The report takes into account all processes that are present in the current report folder and all sub-folders. The point source emissions for each process are calculated based upon the maximum number of batches that can be made in a single year. The estimated number of batches for each process is displayed on a second worksheet in the report.
  • Custom Grouped Crosstab Monthly Report – Calculate the monthly point source emissions for each compound classification that was emitted from all production records in the report folder. Monthly emissions are totaled for each emission unit (or similar grouping) and reported for each compound classification from the assigned classification set. The report considers all processes that are present in the current folder or in sub-folders to where the report is located.
  • Emissions by Production and Emission Factors – Calculate the emissions that have occurred during the reporting period using production level and emission factor for each process. 

Equipment Reports

  • Equipment Unit Max Rate Permit – Analyze all processes that operated in a given calendar period to calculate the maximum hourly emission rate for each equipment unit
  • Equipment Unit Operating Hours Permit – Analyze all point source processes that operated in a given calendar period to compare the calculated total operating hours for each equipment unit in conjunction with permit limit hours.
  • Equipment Unit Permit – Analyze all processes that operated in a given calendar period to compare the calculated total emission level for each equipment unit to a emission permit limit for the same equipment unit.
  • Equipment Unit Processed Weight Permit – Analyze all processes that operated in a given calendar period to calculate the total quantity of material that was processed through each equipment unit.
  • Tank Farm Period Report – Prepare a consolidated emission report for tank farm operations that occur over a calendar period.

Federal – USA Reports

  • MON – HAP Twelve Month Rolling Report – Calculate the Twelve Month Uncontrolled, Controlled, and % Removal for each HAP compound that was emitted from all production in the report folder.
  • MON – HAP Monthly Report – Calculate the monthly Uncontrolled, Controlled, and % Removal for each HAP compound that was emitted from all production in the report folder.
  • MCM NESHAP Quarterly HAP Report – Calculate the monthly and quarterly Uncontrolled, Controlled, % Removal, and number of batches for each HAP compound that was emitted from all production in the report folder.

Fugitive Reports

  • Fugitives Report – Calculate and report the emissions from all fugitive records that are contained in the folder

Permit Reports

  • Permit Report – Analyze all processes that operated during a given calendar period to compare the emission quantity for each compound to a permit value.
  • Permit Report (by Emission Type) – Analyze all emissions (1) process emissions, (2) storage tank emissions, (3) fugitive emissions, and (4) insignificant emissions that operated in a given calendar period to compare the emission quantity for each compound to the permit value.
  • Permit Report, Monthly – Analyze all processes that operated during a given calendar period to compare the emission quantity for each compound to a permit value.
  • Permit Report, Quarterly – Analyze all processes that operated during a given calendar period to compare the emission quantity for each compound to a permit value.

PTE (Potential to Emit)

  • PTE Report Constrained Equipment – Implement a PTE analysis strategies as detailed in the EPA Memo “Clarification of Methodology for Calculating Potential to Emit (PTE) for Batch Chemical Production Operations,” August 29th, 1996.
  • PTE – Unconstrained Equipment Report – Calculate the Uncontrolled, Controlled, and % Removal for each compound that was emitted from all production in the report folder. The point source emissions for each process are calculated based on the maximum number of batches that can be made in a single year. The estimated number of batches for each process is displayed on a second worksheet in the report. In addition, this analysis assumes that there are no equipment conflicts between processes.
  • PTE – Unconstrained Equipment Crosstab Report – Calculate the Uncontrolled, Controlled, and % Removal for each compound that can be theoretically emitted based on the maximum amount of production possible in a single year. The report takes into account all processes that are present in the current report folder and all subfolders. The point source emissions for each process are calculated based upon the maximum number of batches that can be made in a single year. The estimated number of batches for each process is displayed on a second worksheet in the report. In addition, this analysis assumes that there are no equipment conflicts between processes. For example, if Process #1 and Process #2 each require to use RE-100 then this report does not consider this equipment conflict.

12-Month Rolling Reports

Stream Reports

  • Inlet Steam Classification Compound Report – Calculate the total quantity of all compounds that were charged during all processes that operated during the reporting period.
  • Inlet Stream Compound Report – Calculate an inventory of all raw materials that were charged during production operations.
  • Waste Stream Report – Generate a report that provides waste stream data for all process production records that exist in or below the current Emissions Accountant folder.

Vent Reports

  • Vent Path Report – Prepare a list of vent paths for processes that are present in the folder or sub-folders where the report is located.
  • Vent Rate Report – Analyze each process in the folder to report the average compound and classification emission rate at each Vent ID (or Stack).

Miscellaneous Reports

  • Compound Property Report – Generate a report that provides a detail report on each compound that is featured in any of the process records existing in or below the current Emissions Accountant folder.
  • Monthly Batch Count Report – Analyze all processes in a folder and any sub-folders that operated during the reporting period to provide monthly batch count totals.
  • Process Record Information Report – Analyze each process in a selected folder or sub-folder to report key information fields about the process record in addition to information contained in the underlying Emission Master process model.
  • Process Weight Rate Report – Analyze all point source processes that operated in a given calendar period to report the speciated process weight rate for each process equipment item.
  • Production Record Export – Analyze all processes in a folder and any sub-folders that operated during the reporting period to provide monthly batch and period production totals.


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