Control Device Hourly Loading Report
Purpose: Analyze a production plan and calculate the hourly inlet emission profile at a selected control device in a factory operation.
Description: A batch production schedule is defined in Emissions Accountant for one or more processes. The Control Device Hourly Loading Report is launched and instructed to operate over a defined calendar period to analyze the inlet emissions at a selected control device. A complete inlet profile for the control device is compiled for each hour of operation and the results are written to Excel in two separate worksheets. The first worksheet list the inlet and outlet emission quantity of each compound at the control device in chronological order. The second worksheet list the inlet emissions at the control device in a cross tab style where each row represent each hour of time in chronological order and the compound emissions appear in the columns. Hourly emission quantities are also grouped by classification as defined in the Classification Set assigned to the report.
More than a single control device may be selected for the Control Device Hourly Loading Report. For example, if scrubber SC-100 and thermal oxidizer TOX-100 are both selected then two worksheets will be prepared for the analysis of SC-100 and two more worksheets will be prepared for the analysis of TOX-100.
Additional Requirements: A Report Classification Set must be selected from the list of existing Classification Sets. Grouping fields are optionally selected and ordered by the user. All settings are saved with the report document ready to run the next time.
A batch production schedule must be entered into Emissions Accountant for each process that is to be included in the study.
Application: This report displays inlet emissions which occur from one or more processes that are operating in the factory. The Control Device Hourly Loading Report is an excellent way to identify high inlet emission rates that might exceed the design limit of the scrubber, thermal oxidizer, or other common control device.