Fuel Consumption Report
Purpose: Calculate an inventory of all materials that were input to and Emission Master Combustion or Factor Based Emission Model.
Description: The inlet streams for all Combustion and/or Factor Based Emission Models are tallied for each combustion or equipment item. For example, this report can be used to report the total amount of No. 6 Diesel Fuel, Natural Gas, or other fuel that was consumed during the reporting period. In addition to the fuel consumption totals, this report will also show the number or hours that each equipment item operated during the reporting period. For this report there are two worksheets that are created (1) Fuel Consumption Report which shows the total fuel and total operating hours and (2) Monthly Fuel Consumption Report which list the same fuel and operating hours on a monthly basis.
Additional Requirements: The Fuel Consumption Report does not require any other resources (such as a Classification Set or Permit) in order to operate.
Application: This report applies to Combustion and/or Factor Based models and does not apply to other Emission Master models and Fugitive emission models.